Monday, July 17, 2006

They care....but not that much

Are you aware of the Child Abduction Prevention Act?

The following is a brief summary of the Act introduced in 2003 as HR 1104 Child Abduction Prevention Act.

“…Child Abduction Prevention Act - Title I: Sanctions and Offenses - (Sec. 101) Amends the Federal criminal code to:

(1) make the authorized term of supervised release after imprisonment any term of years or life, and to require a sentence to include a term of supervised release of at least five years, for kidnaping involving a minor and for other specified felony offenses (aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, sexual exploitation of children, selling or buying of children, certain activities relating to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors and material constituting or containing child pornography, production of sexually explicit depictions of a minor for importation into the United States, transportation for illegal sexual activity, coercion and enticement to engage in criminal sexual activity, transportation of minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity or in a sexual act with a juvenile, or use of interstate facilities to transmit information about a minor with intent to solicit any person to engage in criminal sexual activity) (listed offenses);

(2) include aggravated child abuse and child torture murders within the scope of the definition of first degree murder; and

(3) increase penalties for sexual exploitation and other abuse of children, for transportation for illegal sexual activity and related crimes, and for kidnapping children…”

Why would you, if you were a member of Congress, either vote No or Not vote at all?

Votes by Political Party

John Conyers, Jesse Jackson, Stephanie Jones, Barbara Lee, Jim McDermott, Alan Mollohan, James Oberstar, Martin Sabo, Robert Scott, Pete Stark, Maxine Waters, Melvin Watt

Not voting
Corrine Brown, William Clay, Richard Gephardt, Karen McCarthy, George Miller

Bernard Sanders

Ron Paul

Not Voting
Steve Buyer, Larry Combest, Ernest Fletcher, Henry Hyde, Thad McCotter

Read more at HR1104 SN00151

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