While searching the various Missing Children blogs,there is an interesting post concerning a La Salle Il. police chief at the Kids Search Network blog .
Missing and Abducted Children: A Law-Enforcement Guide to Case Investigation and Program Management
Authored by a team of 38 professionals from local, state, and federal agencies, this guide outlines a standard of practice for law-enforcement officers handling missing-child cases whether runaways, thrownaways, family/nonfamily abductions, or when the circumstances of the disappearance are unknown. It describes — step-by-step with definitive checklists — the investigative process required for each of these types of cases and offers a wealth of resources to assist an investigator. 224 pp.
Download this publication (PDF)English
1 comment:
Hi. THanks for stopping by the kidsearch blog. Always glad to see people who are helping to get info out to readers about missing and abducted children.
The article you mentioned is at http://kidsearchnetwork.blogspot.com/2006/05/do-police-do-good-job-searching-for.html
I blog daily so it won't be on the main page that long so thought I'd update the link and also compliment you on a nice blog.
If you want to trade links on the blogroll I'm up for it.
Chris McElroy
President, Kidsearch Network
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